Regole di gara


  1. Each competitor registering for and participating in any of Rijeka Run races agrees to the following terms and conditions: I am aware that I may take part in the race only if I fully and truthfully complete the registration form, pay the entire registration fee and unconditionally accept these rules and guidelines.
  2. I warrant and declare that I am fully authorised to register for the race via the website and that I am authorised to use the credit card or other means of payment stated by me to pay the registration fee. I declare that I will not reverse or challenge the credit card transaction, the digital transfer or the direct debit collection.
  3. If I register a third party for the race, I declare that I am authorised to make that registration on behalf of that third party. I accept that these terms and conditions apply to me as well as to any third party for whom I act as representative or agent.
  4. I am aware that my registration is final. The registration fee is payable on registration and non-refundable.
  5. I accept that my registration is personal and non-transferable to another person unless the Organiser so expressly allows.
  6. I accept that my registration is non-transferable to another race unless the Organiser so expressly allows.
  7. I declare that I am at least 18 years old on the day of the race, or if I register for another person who has not reached the age of 18 years old on the day of the race, I declare that, as that minor’s statutory representative, I have given permission for his or her registration and I accept that these terms and conditions on behalf of the minor.
  8. I agree and accept that the Organiser reserves the right to decline/cancel my registration at their own discretion, in which case the registration fee will be refunded to me. I accept the Organiser is not liable for any other costs.


  1. I agree and confirm that by registering I am entering the race(s) exclusively and solely at my own risk, that I am familiar with the race rules and that I will abide by the said rules, aware that my participation brings along potential hazards and risks which can result in various bodily injuries, including death.
  2. I will hold no individual(s) or the Organizer responsible or accountable for any accident, injury and loss to myself, prior, during or after the race, including all the potential risks and hazards that could result in various bodily injuries and/or death. I will indemnify the Organizer and the Event against any damage incurred by third parties as a result of an act or omission with regards to my participation in the race for which I am to blame.
  3. I agree and accept that the Organizer is not responsible for any kind of damage or injury I experience at race(s), either directly, indirectly, separated or related to, caused by my own negligence or fault, or by the negligence or fault of other competitors or third parties, prior, during and after race(s).
  4. I agree to abide by the officially published race rules, during, prior and after race(s), including the directions regarding safe movement, the conditions of participation issued by the Organizer, the directions issued by judges, security personnel and other individuals engaged at the race.
  5. I hereby waive my right to legally pursue any kind of indemnity or compensation for any kind of damage or injury or loss which occurs during or in relation to my participating in the race(s).
  6. I declare that I am adequately insured against the risk of loss incurred by me or my surviving relatives as a result of death, injury or sickness caused by my participation in the race(s).
  7. I am aware that participation in the race(s) requires a good state of health. I have to check myself, that I am medically, physically and mentally fit to take part in the race(s) and that I have adequately prepared for the race(s) by means of training and otherwise. 8. I will respect and comply with any decision of the Organizer regarding my ability to participate in the race(s).



Rijeka Run races are organized by Atletski klub Ri maraton and Rijeka Sport Federation in collaboration with partners.


Anyone who has reached the age specified for a particular race, and is not subject to a start ban, is entitled to start.

Required minimal age for participants:

  • Hafmarathon - 16 years
  • Relay race - 16 years
  • 10 km race - 16 years
  • 5 km race - 10 years
  • Molo longo trk - 10 years
  • 539 skok - 10 years


Each competitor will be given BIB number and a timing chip (both provided by Organizer). All the competitors have to wear their BIB numbers and timing chip during the entire race. BIB number has to be clearly visible at all times, placed either on competitor’s chest or belly and cannot be covered by a backpack or any clothing item.

Competitors who run the race without their bib properly attached and displayed may not have their finish time and split times recorded, may not be listed in the results, and/or may not receive credit for finishing the race. If competitor’s BIB is lost on the course, s/he has to report it to the Organizer immediately after the race.

BIB numbers are assigned by the Organizer to each specific competitor and may not be transferred, reproduced, replicated, or modified under any circumstance.


  • Halfmarathon - 2 h 45 min
  • Relay race- 2 h 45 min
  • 10 km race - 1 h 30 min
  • 5 km race - 45 min
  • Molo longo trk - 1 h
  • 539 skok - 20 min


Water and aid for competitors will be provided at stations placed along the race tracks and/or at the finish line.


Unofficial pacers or other unregistered competitors are not permitted on the course, nor are they permitted to provide assistance. A competitor who receives assistance during an Event from anyone other than official medical personnel may be disqualified.


If a competitor quits due to his/her injury or in case competitor is not able to proceed to the next water/aid station or to the finish line, s/he is obliged to contact Organizer by cell phone. All the competitors are kindly asked that, in the above mentioned case of quitting the race, or in the case of witnessing injury or injuries of other competitors, they immediately contact nearest official personnel (race judges, volunteers, refresh station coordinators, security guard) or contact the organizer on the phone number you will receive in your race bag.


A competitor shall be disqualified in case s/he uses any kind of transport vehicles during the race, in case of moving outside the designated race track, in case of exchanging or replacing the BIB numbers, in case of breaking the code of sport behavior or in case of disrespecting the Organizer’s decisions.

If a competitor hasn't completed the entire course, s/he will be disqualified. Competitor with missing or irregular split times at official timing checkpoints will be reviewed and may be disqualified. If a competitor must leave the course, s/he can rejoin it only at the point at which s/he exited.

A competitor may be disqualified from the race(s) and any future race(s) of the Organizer if he/she fails to comply with the here stated rules and guidelines.


Appeals are to be submitted to race organizer in a written form, no more than 3 days after the Event’s conclusion.


Organizer reserves the right to make the changes related to race track, water and aid stations, to delay the race(s) and/or times of the race(s), to stop the race once it is under way, or to impose a back-up route, at any time and without previous notice. Competitors will be informed of all the changes via official webpage.

The race(s) will take place in all weathers. However, upon the occurrence of any event, or series of events beyond Organizer’s control, whether such event or events, individually or collectively, are considered force majeure or not, materially and adversely affecting Croatia, adjacent region, and/or European union including without limitation:

  • extremely bad weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, typhoon, earthquake, lightning and explosion
  • civil or political unrest, strikes (whether lawful or unlawful), lockouts, slowdowns, natural catastrophes, epidemics, pandemics
  • acts of war or terrorism
  • any other form of disturbance in the host country, adjacent region, or the European Union;

The Organizer may make changes in the execution of the Event, postpone or cancel it for safety reasons or due to official orders at any time or at a late date. In aforementioned cases participants are not entitled to a refund of registration fees already paid, nor is the Organiser liable for any other costs.


I give the Organizer express permission with regard to the personal data provided by me and my results/split times in the race(s):

  • to include them in a file;
  • to make them available to third parties;
  • to use them to open an account in which the personal data provided by me and my results in the race(s) are processed, which account will in future allow the Organizer to access my personal data and my results in the race(s).

I give the Organizer permission to use my personal details (contact details and email address) to send information to me and to register my results in the race.

I give the Organizer permission both during and after the race(s) to process and publish my name, date of birth, place of residence, competition results, and if this is part of the ranking categories of the event age and gender, for instance by publishing them in newspapers, via the Internet and via social media.

If I wish to withdraw this permission at any time, I may send an email with a request to that effect to

By applying for and participating at race(s), I agree to grant consent that any and all photographed and/or filmed material can be published, used and emitted publicly and otherwise used for the purpose of Rijeka Run promotion.